Helping Schroders deliver sales training across the globe

The challenge

Following unprecedented times, Schroders was quick to recognise the need to support their sales team. The challenge was to equip sales people globally with the skills to develop and strengthen relationships with their clients, particularly in a virtual environment.

The solution

We collaborated with Schroders leaders across the world to develop their sales excellence programme. The programme shared a series of valuable tools and created key discussion space for for building resilience and a sales mindset, effective prospecting and how to prepare and run engaging meetings. Gathering insight across regions, the programme equipped Schroders sales people with strategies to become a trusted advisor to their clients. 

The impact

Schroders now has a global sales force aligned and equipped with the tools to maximise their impact, build and strengthen client relationships expertly and become trusted advisors to their clients.

would recommend the training

salespeople trained across 4 continents

My team found the training to be interactive, engaging and the right length. The content was well received by both junior and senior individuals

Luca Tenani, Country Head Italy

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