Managing a hybrid team at Butterfield

The challenge

A new challenge arose – how to manage a hybrid team? Butterfield’s team had predominantly always been in the office together were now working more in the remote environment. The question was how to lead from behind a screen?

The solution

We built a tailored leadership programme supporting the leaders how to be agile and impactful in a hybrid world. How to hold their team accountable, run effective team meetings remotely, deliver powerful feedback and coach the team to high performance

The impact

A motivated leadership team, equipped with practical tools to lead in a hybrid environment. Improved employee engagement across the firm, a feedback culture that everyone and every process is benefiting from and more collaboration leading to better results.

In the face of unprecedented and challenging times building and leading teams can be a daunting challenge. As a result of the Higson bespoke leadership programme, effective feedback has been shared within the group and across the firm, positively impacting our daily meetings and operations. Connectivity and staff engagement have seen a strong boost. I believe we are better equipped to face the challenges ahead as a purposeful team.

Alpa Bhakta, CEO

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