Partnering with You Make It to improve resilience and mindset

The opportunity

You Make It run high impact programmes for unemployed and underemployed women in East London to help them develop skills to pursue their goals. One of the key challenges was to help individuals build their resilience, self confidence and be more aware of positive mental health.

The solution

We partnered with You Make It to deliver a practical resilience programme with actionable tools to help individuals develop a positive mindset, challenge negative self talk and identify limiting beliefs . Our aim was to create a safe discussion space for the group to understand more about their own resilience and mental health.

The impact

Individuals felt equipped with tools to build their own resilience, strategies to improve their mental health and improve their inner confidence.

Our women have shared that the Higson programme has equipped them with practical tools to improve their mindset, mood and prevent themselves from downward spirals. They have new ways to boost their productivity and happiness. Thank you for supporting our women to challenge how they view themselves and take on new potential opportunities without the fear of failure.

Luca Hussain, Programmes Manager

Learn about You Make It